Filming and Photography

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria is a popular location for photography and filming. In order to manage these requests, filming is only allowed at Melbourne and Cranbourne Gardens once approval has been granted and the relevant permit has been issued.  

General visitors

If you are a visitor to the Gardens documenting your visit with photos and filming - no permit is required. However, please note that the use of drones is strictly prohibited for general visitors of Melbourne and Cranbourne Gardens.


Applications must be received at least two weeks (10 working days) prior to the proposed date. No filming or photography is to take place without an approved Filming Permit from Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

Please note that the flying of kites, model planes, helicopters and drones is strictly prohibited at Melbourne and Cranbourne Gardens and permission for these activities will not be granted for non-commercial filming.

Students with total cast and crew exceeding 4 people and equipment beyond a single camera, tripod and microphone must apply for a commercial permit.

Prior to filling out the application form, please refer to:
Guide to Filming/Photography at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria and
Terms and Conditions

Please fill out and email the completed application form to

Wedding and Event Photography

We are thrilled you have chosen to celebrate your special day at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.  Your wedding or event photography will look stunning against the beautiful backdrop either of our Gardens provides.

Please note, a permit is required for all wedding and event photography and fees apply.  Please discuss requirements with your event manager.

Melbourne Gardens 

Please download this application and email the completed form to:

Alternatively you can contact Curtis Stone Events on:

(03) 9989 9918

Cranbourne Gardens

For wedding photography enquiries -

Commercial & Non-profits

Please note that there is a fee for most commercial, promotional, film and tv shoots (other than news media). Please see the table below.

Please download and email this form along with any supporting documentation to:

Filming and Photography Permit Fees




 High Impact

 Full Day



 Half Day


 Medium Impact

 Full Day



 Half Day


 Low Impact

 Full Day



 Half Day


Commercial Photography



 High Impact

 Per Hour


 Medium Impact

 Per Hour


 Low Impact

 Per Hour


Other Charges



 Application Fee (non   refundable)



 Site representative (Duration   as agreed in writing,   minimum 2 hours)

 Per Hour


 Late Booking Fee


 50% of first day   rate

 Out of business hours   surcharge

 Pro-rata   per hour

 25% of total fee

 Public Holiday Surcharge


 50% of full day   or half day rate   (as applicable)

Please note 1. All rates quoted are inclusive of GST. 2. Final   charges will be provided upon assessment of the Application   Form and must be paid in full before the Permit can be issued.   3. A half-day Permit is for up to 4 hours of filming. 4. A full-day   Permit is for between 4 and 8 hours of filming. 5. Business  hours for Melbourne Gardens are Mon-Tue: 7.30am-5.30pm; Wed-Sun: 7.30am-3.00pm and Cranbourne Gardens are 9:00am to 5:00pm   (Monday to Friday). 6. Late fees will be charged on all   filming/photography requests which are not received within the   specified timelines. Low impact, medium impact and high   impact applications must be received at least three (3), seven   (7) and 15 business days respectively in advance of the   planned commencement date of the filming/photography.


Media Bookings and Enquiries

Filming by media does not incur any costs.  However, the Communications and Media team requires as much notice and information as possible, so staff in the gardens can be notified and permit provided.

Please send an email, including the below information, to Maraika van Wessem, Communications & Media Advisor at

  • Name of company
  • Date & time of filming and air date
  • Where the imagery will be featured.
  • Preferred filming locations in the Gardens
  • Size of crew.
  • What positive exposure RBGV will receive for supporting this shoot.  e.g. Written/verbal mention, tagging on social media, use of footage for garden’s own promotional use.

Shoots at the gardens associated with other commercial entities fall under the fee structure outlined in the table above.