Children's Garden Discovery
Melbourne Gardens
Come on a guided exploration of The Ian Potter Foundation Children’s Garden and discover how outdoor play can be incorporated into learning.
Learn moreAll Early Childhood Programs support outcomes from the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework: Identity; Community; Wellbeing; Learning; Communication.
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Melbourne Gardens
Come on a guided exploration of The Ian Potter Foundation Children’s Garden and discover how outdoor play can be incorporated into learning.
Learn moreMelbourne Gardens
Engage your senses and explore the wonderful sights, sounds and stories of Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria’s Melbourne Gardens.
As children explore the treasures of the Gardens, they will be introduced to an array of plants that make up the Gardens and discover some of the wildlife that lives here.
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Explore how plant material can be used as homes for animals and people and learn what plants need to help them grow.
Children will engage their senses as they explore the Gardens, looking out for animals in their natural habitat and discovering different plant materials.
Learn moreCranbourne Gardens
The Bush Kinder Induction program introduces educators and children to the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne Bush Kinder site. The group will journey on a guided exploration through the bushland to the Woodland Picnic Area observing the diverse plant and animal habitats on the way.
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Hear stories from the Herbarium and learn about what the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Science Team do in their work.
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Children will explore how insects and other invertebrates live in the Gardens and help plants to grow. They will engage their senses as they go on a discovery walk, and learn about worm farming.
Learn moreCranbourne Gardens
Children will explore how insects and other invertebrates live in the Gardens and help plants to grow. They will engage their senses as they go on a discovery walk, and learn about worm farming.
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Children will learn what is involved in growing and looking after plants as they partake in hands-on activities in the Kitchen Garden such as planting and harvesting.
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The Sensory Garden is a program designed for children who would benefit from being immersed in a sensory environment. This program is suitable for students with physical disabilities, communication and/or sensory needs.
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Explore the physical, mental and emotional benefits of nature and spending time outdoors.
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Come on a playful exploration of the gardens, learn how water and plants are connected, and take home your own water saving plant.
Learn moreCranbourne Gardens
Explore the natural beauty of the Cranbourne Gardens using all five senses. Immerse yourself in the environment and connect with country, students will have the opportunity to ochre paint the rocks and complete the sensory journey with a taste of lemon myrtle tea.
Learn moreCranbourne Gardens
Children will learn how to show respect for Traditional Owners and the continuing connection of First Peoples to Country by participating in an Acknowledgement of Country and share in the reading of You and Me, Murrawee; a beautifully observed story of what life would have been like 200 years ago, told through the eyes of a young girl camping by the river with her family.
Learn moreCranbourne Gardens
Join us for an early years learning program specially developed for First Peoples children and their parents/carers set in the beautiful bushland at Cranbourne Botanic Gardens.
Each week, bush playgroup participants engage in a series of play and nature-based activities involving First Peoples storytelling, bush exploration, song, traditional dance and music, and the learning of the local First Peoples language and culture – Boonwurrung.
Interest can be registered by contacting this email address.
Cranbourne Gardens
Discover the connection of art, music and creative play.
Inspired by the story, On the Edge of Creation by Baluk Arts, students will immerse themselves in a place-based learning of the Boonwurrung country. They will engage in cultural activities, share in the reading of On the Edge of Creation and learn about the dreamtime story of Port Phillip Bay.
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