Rebecca Le Get

Curation Officer  

Rebecca Le Get is currently responsible for curating the cryptogamic collection (the bryophytes, fungi, lichens and algae) of the National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Her work includes assisting researchers by  processing specimens sent or received on loan and exchange, and assisting with the herbarium's integrated pest management system to ensure the collection is safe. Rebecca also databases many of the cryptogamic specimens received by the National Herbarium of Victoria. 

By combining her background in environmental history, including experience in archival research, with a passion for onomastics and pre-modern orthography, Rebecca greatly enjoys contributing to making the National Herbarium of Victoria’s collections more accessible.


Refereed journal articles

Le Get, R. 2021. Therapeutic labour and the sanatorium farm at Greenvale (1912–1918). Provenance, 19

Le Get, R. 2019. A home among the gum trees: the Victorian Sanatorium for consumptives, Echuca and Mount Macedon. Landscape Journal 44(2): 186–199.

Le Get, R.. 2018. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia within the 19th century miasmatic landscape. Australian Veterinary Journal 96: 285–290.

Le Get, R. 2018. Tuberculosis in Echuca, and the Therapeutic Migration to Southeastern Australia (1889–1908). Environment & Society Portal: Arcadia, 29.

Le Get, R. 2018. More than just “Peaceful and Picturesque:” How Tuberculosis Control Measures Have Preserved Ecologically Significant Land in Melbourne. Victorian Historical Journal, 89(1): 67–87.

Le Get, R. 2018. Under the Shadow of the Tubercle: The Work of Duncan Turner. Health and History 20(1): 72–92.


Simpson, M. and Le Get, R. 2024. The unique fungi specimens of Gustav Herpell. Botanic News, Spring: 21–23.

Le Get, R., Macheda, R., Pacitti, E. and Vaughan L. 2021. An update on the Foreign Collection Project at MEL. Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter, 188: 45–49.

Le Get, R. 2022–3. Herbarium. Botanic News, Summer: 5.

Le Get, R. 2024. Highlights from the State Botanical Collection. Botanic News, Autumn: 13–14.