Val Stajsic
Identifications Botanist
- Identification and nomenclature of the Victorian indigenous and naturalised vascular plants
- Nomenclature of naturalised plants
- Identification of stipoid grasses
- Identification of Victorian lichens
Research interests
- Taxonomy of the Grevillea victoriae (Proteaceae) species complex
- Taxonomy of Melicytus (Violaceae) in Australia
- Collection, documentation and nomenclature of naturalised plants
- Systematics and molecular identification (DNA barcoding) of stipoid grasses
- The applications of plant systematic research to biosecurity
- Collection and documentation of Victorian lichens
- Contributing to the Australian Plant Census Working Group
Walsh, N.G. and Stajsic, V. (2007). A census of the vascular plants of Victoria, 8th edition. Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, South Yarra.
Stajsic, V. and Vaughan, A.C. (2007). The role of the National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) in the documentation of new weeds. In Proceedings third Victorian weed conference: earth wind fire water and weeds, pp. 70–74. Weed Society of Victoria, Frankston.
Spencer, R., Aldous, D. and Stajsic, V. (2005). Poaceae. In R.D. Spencer (ed),A horticultural flora of south-eastern Australia, vol. 5, pp. 537–587. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney.
Stajsic, V., Spencer, R., Forster, P. and Thompson, A. (2002). Crassulaceae. In R.D. Spencer (ed.) A horticultural flora of south-eastern Australia, vol. 3, pp. 48-72, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney.
Molyneux, W.M. and Stajsic, V. (2000). Grevillea victoriae subgroup [in part only]. In R.O. Makinson (ed), Flora of Australia, vol. 17A, Proteaceae 2:Grevillea, pp. 247–264. ABRS, Canberra/CSIRO, Melbourne.
McLaren, D.A., Whattam, M., Blood, K., Stajsic, V. and Hore, R. (1999). Mexican feather-grass (Nassella tenuissima), a potential disaster for Australia.12th Australian weeds conference, papers and proceedings. Weed management into the 21st century: do we know what we're doing?, pp. 658–662. Tasmanian Weeds Society, Devonport.
Stajsic, V. and Carr, G.W. (1996). Cactaceae. In N.G. Walsh and T.J. Entwisle (eds), Flora of Victoria, vol. 3, pp. 119–129. Inkata Press, Melbourne.
Toelken, H., Jeanes, J.A. and Stajsic, V. (1996). Crassulaceae. In N.G. Walsh and T.J. Entwisle (eds), Flora of Victoria, vol. 3, pp. 542–555. Inkata Press, Melbourne
Schuster, T.M., Stajsic, V. and Bonito, G.M., 2016. False Polygonaceae smut: increasing knowledge about Sphacelotheca polygoni-serrulati Maire in Australia. Muelleria, 34, 83–102.
Stajsic, V., Walsh, N.G., Douglas, R., Messina, A. and Molloy, B.P.J. (2015). A revision of Melicytus (Violaceae) in mainland Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 27, 305–323.
Stirton, C.H., Stajsic, V. and Bello, A. (2015). Naturalised species of Psoralea (Fabaceae: Psoraleeae) in Australia. Muelleria 33, 97–107.
Adair, R.J., Shackleton, A., Stajsic, V. and Gajaweera, R. (2012). The Biology of Australian Weeds 61. Polygala myrtifolia L. Plant Protection Quarterly 27, 119–130.
McCarthy, P.M. and Stajsic, V. (2013). Phylloblastia blechnicola (Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae), a new leaf-inhabiting lichen from southern Victoria, Australia. Muelleria 31, 49–52.
Syme, A.E., Udovicic, F., Stajsic, V. and Murphy, D.J. (2013). A test of sequence-matching algorithms for a DNA barcode database of invasive grasses. DNA Barcodes 1, 19–26. doi:10.2478/dna-2012-0002
Chinnock, R.J., Stajsic, V. and Brodie, C.J. (2012). Mesembryanthemum guerchianum Pax (Aizoaceae): a weedy alien species new to Australia. Plant Protection Quarterly 27, 83–88.
Adair, R.J., Neser, S. and Stajsic, V. (2011). Phytophagous organisms associated with the woody shrub Polygala myrtifolia (Polygalaceae) and their potential for classical biological control in Australia. Plant Protection Quarterly26, 72–80.
Kantvilas, G. and Stajsic, V. (2011). Arthonia banksiae (lichenised Ascomycota) and its synonyms. Muelleria 29, 27–33.
Stajsic, V. (2010). Grevillea victoriae F.Muell. subsp. brindabella, a new subspecies from the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales. Muelleria 28, 18–28.
Stajsic, V. and Molyneux, B. (2005). Taxonomic studies in the Grevillea victoriae species complex (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae) I. Descriptions of nine previously segregated, and three new species. Muelleria 22, 19–77.
Weiller, C.M., Stajsic, V. and Walsh, N.G. (2005). New Victorian endemic species of Poa L. (Poaceae). Muelleria 22, 11–19.
McLaren D.A., Stajsic V. and Iaconis, L. (2004). The distributions, impacts and identification of exotic stipoid grasses in Australia. Plant Protection Quarterly,19, 59–66.
McLaren, D.A., Stajsic, V. and Gardener, M.R. (1998).The distribution and impact of South/North American stipoid grasses. Plant Protection Quarterly 13, 62–70.
Carr, G.W., Stajsic, V. and Jeanes, J.A. (1997). Survey for the Small Golden Moths Orchid, Diuris sp. aff. lanceolata (Basalt Plains). Report to Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Ecology Australia Pty Ltd. Fairfield, Victoria, Australia.
Groves, R.H., Bishop, A., Carr, G.W., Carter, R.J., Cores, S.A., Csurhes, S.M., Hosking, J.R., Keighery, G.J., Cowie, I., Stajsic, V. and Waterhouse, R. (1997).Recent incursions of weeds in Australia 1971–1995. CRC for Weed Management Systems, Technical Seies No 3.
Stajsic, V. and Albrecht, D.E. (1992). Two new introduced sedges (Cyperaceae) in Victoria. Indigenotes, 5(11), 10–11.