Muelleria 30(1)
Muelleria – Vol. 30(1): 1–80 (2012)
Muelleria Volume 30(1) was first published as hard copy on 16 March 2012 and subsequently made available online.
Contributed papers
Typification of infrageneric taxa in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) (PDF - 112 kB)
A. Schuiteman
pp. 3–7
J.A. Jeanes
pp. 8–22
New combinations in Callistemon (Myrtaceae) (PDF - 94 kB)
F. Udovicic and R.D. Spencer
pp. 23–25
J. Kellermann and W.R. Barker
pp. 26–58
Herbarium collections – an invaluable resource for gall midge taxonomists (PDF - 3.04 MB)
A. Veenstra
pp. 59–64
P. French, E. James and N. Walsh
pp. 65–71
A.J. Brown
pp. 72–80